Customer case study

Increasing win-rates by 12% while cutting OpEx by 83%

Learn how a mid-market SaaS company used DocketAI to create an Instant Sales Answers solution for it's sales team to transform the quality and speed of responses to buyer queries

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The executive summary

A leading mid-market SaaS technology company’s revenue growth was challenged. Sellers took an average of 4-5 hours and often days to address buyers’ questions and objections in a 30-day sales cycle. Here are the results the company achieved with DocketAI's Instant Sales Answers solution in one quarter:

Win Rates


Avg win rate with frequent usage of DocketAI

Faster Query
Response Times


Dropped sales query response times from 4-5 hours

Shortened Sales Cycles


Trimming 3 days from a 30 day sales cycle


.5 FTE

Reduced overhead needs from 3 FTE to 0.5 FTE (83%)


6 Hrs

Reclaimed 6 hours per week per seller

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The problem

As Head of Sales, I needed to maintain or increase my current revenue growth rate. However, adding expenses on additional sales capacity or marketing programs was not an option.

~Head of Sales

The challenge at the seller level

Sellers struggled with information silos, manual processes, and tribal knowledge, leading to low productivity, slow deal velocity, and constrained win rates.

The Solution

DocketAI unified the company's sales knowledge and enabled an Instant Sales Answers solution that led to massive increase in productivity. Furthermore, it automated RFP/RFI workflows that sped up deals and scaled best practices that drove higher win rates. Download the full case study to learn more.

Usage & adoption

DocketAI saw viral adoption across sales teams in the company. Sellers pushed sales enablement teams for access as they saw their peers benefit from it.

Types of questions asked by sellers

Product and technical questions
Competitive Intel
Data security, privacy, and compliance
Objection handling
Value Propositions
Internal Processes

The DocketAI Impact

Increased win rates by an average of 12%, proving the success of DocketAI's instant sales answers solution

Reduced sales query answer times from 4-5 hours to less than 3 seconds, accelerating the sales cycle

Shortened sales cycle by average of 3 days in a 30 day sales cycle, speeding up sales cycles by 10%

Cut system overhead needs by 83% with a highly scalable system that effortlessly handled 2000+ inquiries per month

Saved 6 hours of seller time per week that was previously wasted on search for sales answers

“DocketAI enabled us to close deals faster and streamline the sales onboarding process. Our team has embraced the tool, and it has significantly reduced time spent on repetitive tasks and technical inquiries.”

~Chief Revenue Officer

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