More Selling, Less Searching.

Docket delivers on-demand responses based on your tribal knowledge based from your tools like Slack, calls, website, knowledge base, cloud storage and more so your team can focus on selling instead of searching.

Amplify Your Sales Enablement Stack with Docket AI

Improve sales productivity

Free your Sales Engineers from one-off questions and requests, allowing them to work on strategic tasks and close deals faster.

Overcome common hurdles

Docket is a just-in-time platform that fills sales knowledge gap and rectifies any outdated information with your tribal knowledge.

Let sales ramp quickly

Docket eliminates overwhelming information searches and accelerates sales onboarding by providing instant answers to any query.

Your Personal Sales Engineer

RFP assistance

Docket can answer RFPs for you and has real-time collaboration capabilities that allow you and your team to verify drafted RFPs before sharing them with your clients.
RFP Questions

Complete answers every time

Docket AI can understand complex queries and instantly provide you with the latest sales assets, technical details, and competitive details.

Learns from your best AEs

Docket is made to shadow and learn from your best AEs. It analyzes historical data, and generates new answer akin to your top performing AEs.

RFP assistance

Docket can answer RFPs for you and has real-time collaboration capabilities that allow you and your team to verify drafted RFPs before sharing them with your clients.
RFP Questions
RFP Questions

Complete answers every time

Docket AI can understand complex queries and instantly provide you with the latest sales assets, technical details, and competitive details.

Tailored to your sales team

Docket integrates with your sales stack and provides contextual answers to your queries based on the prospect’s background.

Sales Enablement that’s Scalable

Sales-ready content at your fingertips — Don’t search for sales assets. Just ask a question, and Docket will retrieve them in seconds.

Centralized, verifiable knowledge engine — Docket unifies information scattered across different tools, platforms, and documents, removing all the guesswork.

The interface between sales and sales tools — Docket does the heavy lifting for you. Next time you need specific competitive data, user testimonials, or just want to confirm a product feature, let Docket get it for you with a simple Slack query.

Docket's platform

Galaxy architecture powers precise responses

Free your Sales Engineers from one-off questions and requests, allowing them to work on strategic tasks and close deals faster.

The standard in data security

Your data's privacy is our priority. Docket is SOC 2 Type 1, SOC 2 Type 2, ISO 20017, and GDPR compliant to ensure the highest security standards. Learn more.

Enterprise-ready generative AI

Docket is enterprise-ready and prioritizes data security. We employ the least privilege and customizable access principle and ensure our AI models never train on your data.
Empowering Teams with Instant Knowledge
Product marketing teams are constantly being riddled with asks about competitors, the market, the product features,  assets that are available. It is VERY time consuming and distracting to address all of these questions ad hoc - especially as they are often posed with urgency, while the conversation with a customer is taking place. Docket solves this problem in a way that is intuitive and  familiar - conversationally and on demand, amplifying the hard work of the product marketing team and making critical information accessible to everyone in real time within the digital channels they use day-to-day.
Ruth Zive
CMO, Liveperson
Fast-Tracked RFPs, Accurate Answers: This Is What the Future Looks Like
When they first saw it, someone literally exclaimed, "I can't actually believe what I'm seeing"RFPs play a big part in our sales process at Pathify, demanding a lot of time and effort from multiple teams. Our team was thrilled to discover Docket. When they first saw it, someone literally exclaimed, "I can't actually believe what I'm seeing". 

They jumped right in and began using it. Within minutes, they were getting (and confirming) answers to tricky questions. Docket delivers answers clearly and directly. This is what the future looks like.
Matt Hammond
CRO, Pathify
My Team Got Up to Speed in Just a Few Hours.
Sales Enablement tools have an unusually long implementation time, and I hate that. But with Docket, it's been an absolute breeze. My team got up to speed in just a few hours. 

It's not just the product itself that has me excited, but the future plans too. Arjun, the CEO, gave me a sneak peek at the roadmap and designs. I'm really looking forward to trying out some of those features as well!
Krati Seth
Head of Global Sales Enablement, Whatfix
Ramping Up Reps, Rapidly: From New to Expert, Effortlessly
Machintel offers a wide range of intelligent campaign management and execution services, from pure lead gen, to content creation, to being a data provider, and more. This makes it hard for new sales team members to know and confidentially pitch our offerings right off the bat. That's where Docket has made a huge difference for us.

I was struck by how quickly we could get new sales people up to speed on both our service offerings as well as industry knowledge with the accurate answers that Docket provides. With that said, finding a vendor that truly listens to our needs and actually executes on them has been a godsend. I am sure we will be working with them for years to come.
Henson Gawliu
EVP & CMO, MachIntel
Our Salespeople now have all the information they need to advance deals
As a salesperson, keeping up with all the questions about our products and the competition was a real headache. We were always in a rush, searching for answers, even while talking to customers.

Docket has totally changed the game. It's as simple as messaging a coworker on Slack. Now, we instantly have all the information we need, saving us from hours of searching just to advance our deals.
Eleanor Dorfman
Head of Sales, Retool

Docket Plays Nice
with All Your Tools

Integrate your sales enablement platform, Slack channels, and other apps with Docket. We readily integrate with Gong, Slack, Highspot, Seismic, Showpad, Sharepoint, Zendesk, Confluence,  Intercom, and Google Suite.